Golda + the Guns, The Savages | Concert Photographer | Risque Lounge, San Francisco

We captured moments of rock n roll last night, at a club called Risque Lounge on Maiden Lane in San Francisco. I came out in support of my friend Golda and her band (Golda + the Guns), but since they played last, we got to see the entire show from the beginning. The bands were good, although not my cup of tea. I am personally more into punk shows because I love the vibe. Also, I'm not really into cover bands. But hey, they all did put on a good show and we took pictures along the way. We would like to come back and see more shows at Risque! Next time we go, we will post up the event beforehand here so you can hang out with us.

Created with flickr slideshow.

File under: sf concert photographer, sf concert photography, san francisco concert photographer, san francisco concert photography, local bands, live music, performance photographer, club photographer in san francisco, san francisco event photography, san francisco event photographer